Steel sponsorship

The sponsorship of the planks and stanchions has so far been very successful and, judging by the waiting list, is expected to continue for phase 2 through this web shop. However, up till now, for larger donations, there has only been the opportunity to sponsor an entire bay’s infrastructure, without the planks, for £55,000.
The drawback with sponsoring beams or girders is that they are out of sight once the deck is laid and there is no room to display detailed acknowledgements above the deck.
After consideration on the design of a suitable plaque we are able to offer sponsorship towards the steel on a specific bay for donations with a minimum of £1,000 and no maximum. These will then be acknowledged on a 400 x 300mm stainless steel plaque containing the names of the donors, mounted on the railings in the centre of the bay in question.
We are pleased to report that this opportunity has been welcomed and we are already fully sponsored for bays 4 -7 inclusive. Sponsorship for bay 8 is still available.
If you wish to sponsor steel in this way please email [email protected] or call in to the portacabin to discuss with the Project Manager or Treasurer.